KiKR Reporting form Details about the doctor GLN * ( E-Mail * Information about the patient Patient from canton * please chooseAargauAppenzell AusserrhodenAppenzell InnerrhodenBasel-LandschaftBasel-StadtBernGenfGlarusGraubündenJuraLuzernNeuenburgNidwaldenObwaldenSchaffhausenSchwyzSolothurnSt. GallenStaat FreiburgTessinThurgauUriWaadtWallisZugZürich AHV Number (AHVN13) * Date of patient information * Documents Please upload the reports in PDF format here Maximum 10 files per reporting form, total size max. 10MB per reporting form! Documents * Upload file(s) Upload file(s) Maximum file size: 8MB reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.