Description of collected and available data
The ChCR records the following types of data:
- Basic data: diagnostic and treatment data that provide key information for monitoring of cancer in the population, e.g., computing statistics on cancer incidence, treatment and survival.
- Supplementary data: data collected over the course of the disease, on treatments, and on early detection that can be used, for example, for public health reporting, for the evaluation of the quality of the diagnostic process and treatment and for research.
A list summarizing the variables available in ChCR can be found here: Short list of clinical variables (en)
This list also highlights variables that contain sensitive information, which, in general, cannot be provided, and variables that may contain a large proportion of missing values.
For more detailed information on specific variables please consult the national cancer data dictionary, which is available in four languages (EN, DE, FR, IT).
Related links:
Data provided by National cancer registry:
The national cancer data dictionary: –> Data dictionary